The natural beauty of the coastline and countryside along this part of the Jurassic coast is an excellent reason to visit and enjoy a summer break in the UK this year. We will be fully open for visitors on the 17th July and we really hope that many people choose to have a holiday this summer.
Local bars and cafes have been open for take-away business so if you are visiting for the day you will have been able to enjoy fish and chips, ice-creams, teas and cake from many of your favourite places. Today many of those businesses are opening their doors and welcoming locals and visitors back inside but all of them are working in very different circumstances. We will be popping our later to enjoy a coffee and some cake at one of our favourite cafes.
We have also made some changes for opening and when you book with us we will send you a letter explaining them in some detail as it is important to us to reassure all of you that we have our collective safety and well being at the heart of what we do.
Main changes explained:
If you or anyone in your group has any symptoms of COVID-19 including a high temperature,a new persistent cough or a new loss or change to your sense of taste and smell please do not visit us at this time. We will help you re-arrange your holiday.
Our welcome will always be very warm but when you check in and check out we will now keep our distance and ask you to do the same.
We all need to follow social distancing guidelines and wherever possible we will maintain the 2m distance or the minimum 1m plus distance. If we need to get closer for example to serve breakfast we will wear a mask. We will make sure we don't enter your room when you are in it and the guest lounge will be closed for the time being. We will ask everyone to remember social distancing as they move around the B&B.
Our rooms will be slightly different will all extra items, blankets and cushions removed. These will still be available on request but will be disinfected and put in storage for 72 hours before being available to a new guest.
You will have an assigned breakfast table and of course our delicious breakfast and all our usual items using local produce will still be available for you to order. At busy times we may need to stagger breakfast times and ask you to pre-order your food.
The key to keep us all safe will be our increased cleaning schedules using detergents and disinfectants. You will see us cleaning key touch points in and around the B&B much more frequently.
We all need to be thinking about hand washing and sanitising on a frequent basis. We will be asking guests to use the sanitiser every time you enter or leave the B&B and asking to wash your hands or use sanitiser when you leave and enter your own room and when you enter the Breakfast Room.
We look forward to welcoming you soom
Take care
Sally & Paul